Config.MenuCommand ="skill" -- Command to open menu (string or false)Config.Keybind ="F7" -- Keybind to open menu (string or false) Config.Item =false-- Item required to open menu (string or false)
XP Settings
Config.XpBoost =1.0-- XP multiplierConfig.BaseXp =100-- Base XP required per levelConfig.LevelBasedXp =50-- Additional XP per levelConfig.PointsPerLevel =1-- Skill points awarded per level
System Settings
Config.CloseUiOnDeath =true-- Close UI on player deathConfig.HpRegenerationTimeout =5000-- HP regen cooldown (ms)Config.EnableGenerator =true-- Enable skill tree generator (Exclusive only)Config.EarnXpTick =1000-- XP earn check interval (ms)Config.DisableXpEarnWhileDead =false-- Disable XP earning while dead
XP Earning Activities
Config.EarnXp = { ['running'] = { xp =5, -- XP awarded timeout =10000, -- Cooldown before next award addTo = { -- Which skill trees receive XP ['personal'] =true } },-- Similar settings for: swimming, melee, shooting, driving}
Reset System
Config.SkillReset = { Enabled =false, -- Enable skill reset feature PaymentType =false, -- Payment method (cash/item/false) Cash =1000, -- Reset cost if using cash Item = { Name ="cash", -- Required item name Amount =1000-- Required item amount }}
Level & Skills Configuration
Config.MaxLevel = { ['personal'] =7, -- Max level per skill tree}Config.SkillLoadingOrder = {-- Control order of skill loading ['skillName'] =1,}Config.MeleeWeapons = {-- List of weapons affected by melee damage skills ["weapon_hammer"] =true,-- ...other melee weapons}Config.SkillDefaultValues = { ['moreStamina'] =100.0, ['moreMaxHp'] =200, ['timeUnderwater'] =10.0,}Config.DisableDefaultSkillEffects = { ['runFaster'] =false, ['swimFaster'] =false, ['moreStamina'] =false, ['timeUnderwater'] =false, ['moreMaxHp'] =false,}Config.DisableRefreshOnPedOrPidChanged =false
Custom Skill Unlock Requirements
Config.UnlockHandlerForSkills = { ['CATEGORY_UID'] = { ['SKILL_UID'] = { unlockRequirementMessage ="Custom requirement message",handler=function(source)-- This is triggered server side-- Return false to prevent skill unlockreturnfalseend } }}
Language Configuration (sh.lang.lua)
The language file contains all text strings used in the UI. Each string can be customized:
Config.SuspiciousActivity=function(source,privateReason,priority)-- Called when suspicious activity is detected-- priority: -- 'high' (likely cheating)-- 'low' (cheater or possible connection issues)}
Skills Configuration (sh.skills.lua)
The skills configuration defines all available skills and their properties. Each skill is defined with:
uid: Unique identifier
title: Display name
icon: FontAwesome icon or image URL
effect: Numerical effect value
description: Skill description
points: Points required to unlock
img: Preview image/gif URL
lines: Connection lines to other skills
index: Position in skill grid (171 total slots in 9x19 grid)
Example skill entry:
{ description ="Increases running speed by 3%", icon ="fa-solid fa-person-running-fast", points =1, uid ="runFaster_1", img ="", lines = { top =false, leftTop =false }, title ="Speed Boost I", index =139, effect =1,}