Make sure Config.UseDataFromSkillTree is set to true
In Config.Abilities connect skill category and skill uid.
Script automatically detects unlocked skills and will display locked icon on skill that are not yet unlockd.
Config.Abilities = { ['personal'] = { -- category name from skill tree !!! name ="Personal", displayOrder =1,isVisible=function(source)returnfalseend, abilities = { ['moreHp_1'] = { -- skill uid from skill tree !!! label ="More Hp 1", icon ="more_hp1.png", useCooldown =5,onUse=function()-- execute client side code hereprint("More hp 1 used by "..GetPlayerName(PlayerId()))end }, ['moreHp_2'] = { -- skill uid from skill tree !!! label ="More Hp 2", icon ="more_hp2.png", useCooldown =5,onUse=function()-- execute client side code hereprint("More hp 2 used by "..GetPlayerName(PlayerId()))end }, } },}