
Documentation for shared.lua Configuration

1. General Configuration


Defines the XP required to reach a specific level using a scaling formula.

  • Formula: 100 * (level ^ 1.5) (rounded down to the nearest integer).


Shared.CalculateNeedXP = function(level)
    return math.floor(100 * (level ^ 1.5))
-- Level 5: Shared.CalculateNeedXP(5) returns 223


Controls economy-related settings.

  • xp: Base XP reward per task.

  • money: Base monetary reward per task.

  • multiplierPerLevel: Percentage increase in rewards per player level.


Shared.Economy = {
    xp = 100,
    money = 250,
    multiplierPerLevel = 0.01, -- 1% increase per level
-- At level 10, rewards are XP: 110, Money: 275

2. Herb Collection


  • 0: Determines the types of herbs required per task.

    • If 0, the script uses half of all available herb types.

    • Any other number specifies the exact number of types per task.


Shared.HerbsTypePerTask = 2 -- Each task will require 2 herb types


Defines each herb's properties, location, and collection behavior.


  • name: Internal name of the herb.

  • label: Display name of the herb.

  • Blip: Map marker settings.

    • sprite: Icon used for the map blip.

    • color: Color of the blip.

    • scale: Size of the blip.

    • coords: Location of the herb spawn area.

  • amountOnMap: Maximum number of herb instances on the map.

  • chanceToDrop: Percentage chance of a successful herb collection.

  • maxInQuest: Maximum number of this herb type required in a quest.

  • props: List of prop models used to represent the herb in the game world.

  • coords: Array of locations where the herb spawns.


Shared.Herbs = {
        name = "rose",
        label = "Rose",
        Blip = {
            sprite = 140,
            color = 5,
            scale = 0.5,
            coords = vec3(400.8, 752.0, 189.0),
        amountOnMap = 40,
        chanceToDrop = 75,
        maxInQuest = 1,
        props = { 'dh_plant_rose' },
        coords = {
            vec3(400.8, 752.0, 189.0),
            vec3(396.7, 756.3, 187.9),

3. Skill Tree Integration


  • true: Enables the skill tree system (requires dh_skillTree).

  • false: Disables skill tree functionality.


Shared.SkillTreeEnabled = true

4. Quest System


  • true: Enables quests for the Herbal Alchemist job.

  • false: Disables quests.


Shared.QuestsEnabled = true
Shared.Quests = {
        uid = "rose",
        description = "Collect Roses",
        value = 2,
        reward = {
            xp = 1000,
            money = 1000,
        rewardMultiplerPerLevel = 0.1,
        questMultiplerPerLevel = 0.8,

5. Language Strings


Defines the text displayed to players in various parts of the script.


Shared.Lang = {
    ['JobName'] = "Herbal Alchemist",
    ['JobDescription'] = "Your task is to pick specific flowers marked on the map, brew potions, and sell them.",
    ['Rewards'] = "Rewards",

Last updated