-- Config.OpenMenuOption can be either "command" or "item".
-- If set to "item", the menu will open upon using an item.
-- If set to "command", the menu will open through a command.
Config.OpenMenuOption = "command" -- Example assignment, change as needed.
-- Config.MenuCommand is the command used to open the menu.
-- This is only used if Config.OpenMenuOption is set to "command".
Config.MenuCommand = "battle" -- Example assignment, change as needed.
-- Config.MenuItem is the item used to open the menu.
-- This is only used if Config.OpenMenuOption is set to "item".
Config.MenuItem = "battle_creator" -- Example assignment, change as needed.
-- Language Configuration
-- Change the value (right side) as needed
-- Do not change the key (left side)
-- Maintain the ${value} format
Shared.Lang = {
["neons"] = "Neons",
["neon2"] = "Neon color: ${neon}",
['Neons'] = "Neons",
['Headlights'] = "Headlights",
['ChipTuning'] = "Chip tuning",
['Stancer'] = "Stancer",
['Program'] = "Program",
['Off'] = "Off",
['PopsAndBangs'] = "Pops and bangs",
['ALS'] = "ALS",
['Semi'] = "Semi",
['On'] = "On",
['VehicleTrail'] = "Vehicle Trail",
['NoPresetsFound'] = "No presets found",
['NewPreset'] = "New Preset",
['Presets'] = "Presets",
['Cancel'] = "Cancel",
['Save'] = "Save",
['PresetName'] = "Give a name to your preset",
['Time'] = "Time",
['Color'] = "Color",
['Active'] = "Active",
['HeadlightsStatus'] = "Headlights Status: ",
['ActivePreset'] = "Active Preset: ",
['Disable'] = "Disable",
['Apply'] = "Apply",
['Presets'] = "Presets",
['Success'] = "Success",
['PresetDeleted'] = "Preset Deleted",
['PresetUpdated'] = "Preset Updated",
['PresetSaved'] = "Preset Saved",
['NeonsStatus'] = "Neons Status: ",
['StancerStatus'] = "Stancer status: ",
['ClearAll'] = "Clear all",
['SettingsCleared'] = "Settings cleared",
-- Stancer Optimization Configuration
Config.StancerOptimalization = false
Last updated