Beat generating


Upload Music

Upload your desired music in .ogg format to the dh_cardance/html/song folder.


Restart the Server


Join the server

  1. In the server console, enter the following command to generate beats for your music file:

    generate_beat file_name.ogg
  2. Do not exit the server until you see the message "Beat finished successfully".


Add your song to Shared.Sounds with the following format:

{ name = "SONG_DISPLAY_NAME", time = "SONG:DURATION", url = "file_name.ogg", diff

Restart the Script

Your Car Dancing script should now be fully functional.

Example Configuration

Example of configuration entry for shared.lua:

Shared.Sounds = {
    { name = "Song Display Name", time = "3:45", url = "song_file.ogg", difficulty = "easy" },
    -- Add more songs here

Last updated